Indexing, Data Wrangling and Plots

The course covers R commands and techniques for managing, analyzing, and visualizing data, including manipulating vectors, using dplyr for data wrangling, data visualization, data summarization, grouping, and sorting with data.table.
R Basic
Data Wrangling



Nov 29, 2022

Indexing, Data Wrangling, Plots

In this section, I will introduce the R commands and techniques that help you wrangle, analyze, and visualize data.

In Indexing, you will: - Subset a vector based on properties of another vector.

  • Use multiple logical operators to index vectors.

  • Extract the indices of vector elements satisfying one or more logical conditions.

  • Extract the indices of vector elements matching with another vector.

  • Determine which elements in one vector are present in another vector.

In basic data wrangling, you will:

  • Wrangle data tables using functions in the dplyr package.

  • Modify a data table by adding or changing columns.

  • Subset rows in a data table.

  • Subset columns in a data table.

  • Perform a series of operations using the pipe operator.

  • Create data frames.

In basic plots, you will: - Plot data in scatter plots, box plots, and histograms.

In summarizing with dplyr, you will: - Use summarize() to facilitate summarizing data in dplyr.

  • Learn about the dot placeholder.

  • Learn how to group and then summarize in dplyr.

  • Learn how to sort data tables in dplyr.

In the rest section, you will: - Learn how to subset and summarize data using data.table.

  • Learn how to sort data frames using data.table.


Key Point

  • We can use logicals to index vectors.

  • Using the function sum()on a logical vector returns the number of entries that are true.

  • The logical operator “&” makes two logicals true only when they are both true.


# defining murder rate as before
murder_rate <- murders$total / murders$population * 100000
# creating a logical vector that specifies if the murder rate in that state is less than or equal to 0.71
index <- murder_rate <= 0.71
# determining which states have murder rates less than or equal to 0.71
# calculating how many states have a murder rate less than or equal to 0.71

# creating the two logical vectors representing our conditions
west <- murders$region == "West"
safe <- murder_rate <= 1
# defining an index and identifying states with both conditions true
index <- safe & west

Indexing Functions

Key Points

  • The function which() gives us the entries of a logical vector that are true.

  • The function match() looks for entries in a vector and returns the index needed to access them.

  • We use the function %in% if we want to know whether or not each element of a first vector is in a second vector.


which(x)    # returns indices that are TRUE

# to determine the murder rate in Massachusetts we may do the following
index <- which(murders$state == "Massachusetts")

# to obtain the indices and subsequent murder rates of New York, Florida, Texas, we do:
index <- match(c("New York", "Florida", "Texas"), murders$state)

x <- c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e")
y <- c("a", "d", "f")
y %in% x

# to see if Boston, Dakota, and Washington are states
c("Boston", "Dakota", "Washington") %in% murders$state

Basic Data Wrangling

Key Points

  • To change a data table by adding a new column, or changing an existing one, we use the mutate() function.

  • To filter the data by subsetting rows, we use the function filter().

  • To subset the data by selecting specific columns, we use the select() function.

  • We can perform a series of operations by sending the results of one function to another function using the pipe operator, %>%.

Creating Data Frames


The default settings in R have changed as of version 4.0, and it is no longer necessary to include the code stringsAsFactors = FALSE in order to keep strings as characters. Putting the entries in quotes, as in the example, is adequate to keep strings as characters. The stringsAsFactors = FALSE code is useful in certain other situations, but you do not need to include it when you create data frames in this manner.

Key Points

  • We can use the data.frame() function to create data frames.

  • Formerly, the data.frame() function turned characters into factors by default. To avoid this, we could utilize the stringsAsFactors argument and set it equal to false. As of R 4.0, it is no longer necessary to include the stringsAsFactors argument, because R no longer turns characters into factors by default.


# creating a data frame with stringAsFactors = FALSE
grades <- data.frame(names = c("John", "Juan", "Jean", "Yao"), 
                     exam_1 = c(95, 80, 90, 85), 
                     exam_2 = c(90, 85, 85, 90),
                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Basic Plots

Key Points

  • We can create a simple scatterplot using the function plot().

  • Histograms are graphical summaries that give you a general overview of the types of values you have. In R, they can be produced using the hist() function.

  • Boxplots provide a more compact summary of a distribution than a histogram and are more useful for comparing distributions. They can be produced using the boxplot() function.


# a simple scatterplot of total murders versus population
x <- murders$population /10^6
y <- murders$total
plot(x, y)

# a histogram of murder rates
murders <- mutate(murders, rate = total / population * 100000)

# boxplots of murder rates by region
boxplot(rate~region, data = murders)

The summarize function

Key Points

  • Summarizing data is an important part of data analysis.

  • Some summary ststistics are the mean, median, and standard deviation.

  • The summarize() function from dplyr provides an easy way to compute summary statics.


murders <- mutate(murders, rate = total / population * 10^5)
# minimum, median, and maximum murder rate for the states in the West region
s <- murders %>% 
  filter(region == "West") %>%
  summarize(minimum = min(rate), 
            median = median(rate), 
            maximum = max(rate))
   minimum   median  maximum
1 0.514592 1.292453 3.629527
# accessing the components with the accessor $
[1] 1.292453
[1] 3.629527
# average rate unadjusted by population size
[1] 2.779125
# average rate adjusted by population size
us_murder_rate <- murders %>% 
  summarize(rate = sum(total) / sum(population) * 10^5)
1 3.034555

Summarizing with more than one value

Key Points

  • The quantile() function can be used to return the min, median, and max in a single line of code.


murders <- mutate(murders, rate = total / population * 10^5)
# minimum, median, and maximum murder rate for the states in the West region using quantile
# note that this returns a vector
murders %>% 
  filter(region == "West") %>%
  summarize(range = quantile(rate, c(0, 0.5, 1)))
Warning: Returning more (or less) than 1 row per `summarise()` group was deprecated in
dplyr 1.1.0.
ℹ Please use `reframe()` instead.
ℹ When switching from `summarise()` to `reframe()`, remember that `reframe()`
  always returns an ungrouped data frame and adjust accordingly.
1 0.514592
2 1.292453
3 3.629527
# returning minimum, median, and maximum as a data frame
my_quantile <- function(x){
  r <-  quantile(x, c(0, 0.5, 1))
  data.frame(minimum = r[1], median = r[2], maximum = r[3]) 
murders %>% 
  filter(region == "West") %>%
   minimum   median  maximum
1 0.514592 1.292453 3.629527

Pull to access to columns

Key Points

  • The pull() function can be used to access values stored in data when using pipes: when a data object is piped that object and its columns can be accessed using the pull() function.


murders <- mutate(murders, rate = total / population * 10^5)
# average rate adjusted by population size
us_murder_rate <- murders %>% 
  summarize(rate = sum(total) / sum(population) * 10^5)
1 3.034555
# us_murder_rate is stored as a data frame
[1] "data.frame"
# the pull function can return it as a numeric value
us_murder_rate %>% pull(rate)
[1] 3.034555
# using pull to save the number directly
us_murder_rate <- murders %>% 
  summarize(rate = sum(total) / sum(population) * 10^5) %>%
[1] 3.034555
# us_murder_rate is now stored as a number
[1] "numeric"

The dot placeholder

Key Points

  • The dot (.) can be thought of as a placeholder for the data being passed through the pipe.
murders <- mutate(murders, rate = total / population * 10^5)
# average rate adjusted by population size
us_murder_rate <- murders %>% 
  summarize(rate = sum(total) / sum(population) * 10^5)
1 3.034555
# using the dot to access the rate
us_murder_rate <- murders %>% 
  summarize(rate = sum(total) / sum(population) * 10^5) %>%
[1] 3.034555
[1] "numeric"

Group then summarize

Key Points

  • Splitting data into groups and then computing summaries for each group is a common operation in data exploration.

  • We can use the dplyr group_by() function to create a special grouped data frame to facilitate such summaries.

murders <- mutate(murders, rate = total / population * 10^5)
# group by region
murders %>% group_by(region)
# A tibble: 51 × 6
# Groups:   region [4]
   state                abb   region    population total  rate
   <chr>                <chr> <fct>          <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 Alabama              AL    South        4779736   135  2.82
 2 Alaska               AK    West          710231    19  2.68
 3 Arizona              AZ    West         6392017   232  3.63
 4 Arkansas             AR    South        2915918    93  3.19
 5 California           CA    West        37253956  1257  3.37
 6 Colorado             CO    West         5029196    65  1.29
 7 Connecticut          CT    Northeast    3574097    97  2.71
 8 Delaware             DE    South         897934    38  4.23
 9 District of Columbia DC    South         601723    99 16.5 
10 Florida              FL    South       19687653   669  3.40
# ℹ 41 more rows
# summarize after grouping
murders %>% 
  group_by(region) %>%
  summarize(median = median(rate))
# A tibble: 4 × 2
  region        median
  <fct>          <dbl>
1 Northeast       1.80
2 South           3.40
3 North Central   1.97
4 West            1.29

Sorting data tables

Key Points

  • To order an entire table, we can use the dplyr function arrange().

  • We can also use nested sorting to order by additional columns.

  • The function head() returns on the first few lines of a table.

  • The function top_n() returns the top n rows of a table.


murders <- mutate(murders, rate = total / population * 10^5)
# order the states by population size
murders %>% arrange(population) %>% head()
                 state abb        region population total       rate
1              Wyoming  WY          West     563626     5  0.8871131
2 District of Columbia  DC         South     601723    99 16.4527532
3              Vermont  VT     Northeast     625741     2  0.3196211
4         North Dakota  ND North Central     672591     4  0.5947151
5               Alaska  AK          West     710231    19  2.6751860
6         South Dakota  SD North Central     814180     8  0.9825837
# order the states by murder rate - the default is ascending order
murders %>% arrange(rate) %>% head()
          state abb        region population total      rate
1       Vermont  VT     Northeast     625741     2 0.3196211
2 New Hampshire  NH     Northeast    1316470     5 0.3798036
3        Hawaii  HI          West    1360301     7 0.5145920
4  North Dakota  ND North Central     672591     4 0.5947151
5          Iowa  IA North Central    3046355    21 0.6893484
6         Idaho  ID          West    1567582    12 0.7655102
# order the states by murder rate in descending order
murders %>% arrange(desc(rate)) %>% head()
                 state abb        region population total      rate
1 District of Columbia  DC         South     601723    99 16.452753
2            Louisiana  LA         South    4533372   351  7.742581
3             Missouri  MO North Central    5988927   321  5.359892
4             Maryland  MD         South    5773552   293  5.074866
5       South Carolina  SC         South    4625364   207  4.475323
6             Delaware  DE         South     897934    38  4.231937
# order the states by region and then by murder rate within region
murders %>% arrange(region, rate) %>% head()
          state abb    region population total      rate
1       Vermont  VT Northeast     625741     2 0.3196211
2 New Hampshire  NH Northeast    1316470     5 0.3798036
3         Maine  ME Northeast    1328361    11 0.8280881
4  Rhode Island  RI Northeast    1052567    16 1.5200933
5 Massachusetts  MA Northeast    6547629   118 1.8021791
6      New York  NY Northeast   19378102   517 2.6679599
# return the top 10 states by murder rate
murders %>% top_n(10, rate)
                  state abb        region population total      rate
1               Arizona  AZ          West    6392017   232  3.629527
2              Delaware  DE         South     897934    38  4.231937
3  District of Columbia  DC         South     601723    99 16.452753
4               Georgia  GA         South    9920000   376  3.790323
5             Louisiana  LA         South    4533372   351  7.742581
6              Maryland  MD         South    5773552   293  5.074866
7              Michigan  MI North Central    9883640   413  4.178622
8           Mississippi  MS         South    2967297   120  4.044085
9              Missouri  MO North Central    5988927   321  5.359892
10       South Carolina  SC         South    4625364   207  4.475323
# return the top 10 states ranked by murder rate, sorted by murder rate
murders %>% arrange(desc(rate)) %>% top_n(10)
Selecting by rate
                  state abb        region population total      rate
1  District of Columbia  DC         South     601723    99 16.452753
2             Louisiana  LA         South    4533372   351  7.742581
3              Missouri  MO North Central    5988927   321  5.359892
4              Maryland  MD         South    5773552   293  5.074866
5        South Carolina  SC         South    4625364   207  4.475323
6              Delaware  DE         South     897934    38  4.231937
7              Michigan  MI North Central    9883640   413  4.178622
8           Mississippi  MS         South    2967297   120  4.044085
9               Georgia  GA         South    9920000   376  3.790323
10              Arizona  AZ          West    6392017   232  3.629527

Introduction to data.table

Key Points

  • In this course, we often use tidyverse packages to illustrate because these packages tend to have code that is very readable for beginners.

  • There are other approaches to wrangling and analyzing data in R that are faster and better at handling large objects, such as the data.table package.

  • Selecting in data.table uses notation similar to that used with matrices.

  • To add a column in data.table, you can use the := function.

  • Because the data.table package is designed to avoid wasting memory, when you make a copy of a table, it does not create a new object. The := function changes by reference. If you want to make an actual copy, you need to use the copy() function.

  • Side note: the R language has a new, built-in pipe operator as of version 4.1: |>. This works similarly to the pipe %>% you are already familiar with. You can read more about the |> pipe here External link.


# install the data.table package before you use it!

# load data.table package

# load other packages and datasets

# convert the data frame into a data.table object
murders <- setDT(murders)

# selecting in dplyr
select(murders, state, region)

# selecting in data.table - 2 methods
murders[, c("state", "region")] |> head()
murders[, .(state, region)] |> head()

# adding or changing a column in dplyr
murders <- mutate(murders, rate = total / population * 10^5)

# adding or changing a column in data.table
murders[, rate := total / population * 100000]
murders[, ":="(rate = total / population * 100000, rank = rank(population))]

# y is referring to x and := changes by reference
x <- data.table(a = 1)
y <- x

x[,a := 2]

y[,a := 1]

# use copy to make an actual copy
x <- data.table(a = 1)
y <- copy(x)
x[,a := 2]

Subsetting with data.table

Key Points

Subsetting in data.table uses notation similar to that used with matrices.


# load packages and prepare the data
murders <- setDT(murders)
murders <- mutate(murders, rate = total / population * 10^5)
murders[, rate := total / population * 100000]

# subsetting in dplyr
filter(murders, rate <= 0.7)

# subsetting in data.table
murders[rate <= 0.7]

# combining filter and select in data.table
murders[rate <= 0.7, .(state, rate)]

# combining filter and select in dplyr
murders %>% filter(rate <= 0.7) %>% select(state, rate)

Summarizing with data.table

Key Points

  • In data.table we can call functions inside .()and they will be applied to rows.

  • The group_by followed by summarize in dplyr is performed in one line in data.table using the by argument.


# load packages and prepare the data - heights dataset
heights <- setDT(heights)

# summarizing in dplyr
s <- heights %>% 
  summarize(average = mean(height), standard_deviation = sd(height))
# summarizing in data.table
s <- heights[, .(average = mean(height), standard_deviation = sd(height))]

# subsetting and then summarizing in dplyr
s <- heights %>% 
  filter(sex == "Female") %>%
  summarize(average = mean(height), standard_deviation = sd(height))
# subsetting and then summarizing in data.table
s <- heights[sex == "Female", .(average = mean(height), standard_deviation = sd(height))]

# previously defined function
median_min_max <- function(x){
  qs <- quantile(x, c(0.5, 0, 1))
  data.frame(median = qs[1], minimum = qs[2], maximum = qs[3])

# multiple summaries in data.table
heights[, .(median_min_max(height))]

# grouping then summarizing in data.table
heights[, .(average = mean(height), standard_deviation = sd(height)), by = sex]

Sorting data frames

Key Points

  • To order rows in a data frame using data.table, we can use the same approach we used for filtering.

  • The default sort is an ascending order, but we can also sort tables in descending order.

  • We can also perform nested sorting by including multiple variables in the desired sort order.


# load packages and datasets and prepare the data
murders <- setDT(murders)
murders[, rate := total / population * 100000]

# order by population
murders[order(population)] |> head()

# order by population in descending order
murders[order(population, decreasing = TRUE)] 

# order by region and then murder rate
murders[order(region, rate)]
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